Happy Friday folks! A little more fallout from WWDC last week with the usual web news for the week. Enjoy!
Source Maps Are An Insufficient Debugging Format For The Web
Source: fitzgeraldnick.com
Useful Flexbox Technique: Alignment Shifting Wrapping
This is a great solution to a real problem in rwd!
Source: css-tricks.com
Apple and Google Race to See Who Can Kill the App First
Uncle Dave’s thoughts…
Source: daverupert.com
VersionPress – WordPress Meets Version Control
This looks really promising!
Source: www.sitepoint.com
Pushing the limits of :visited with CSS blend modes
Finally, a good use of :visited!
Source: stelian.firez.be
How to Upload a File With WordPress’ Secret Native Functions
This is a little complex but could be useful in some use cases.
Source: premium.wpmudev.org
Heinz ketchup bottle QR code leads to hardcore porn site
Here that kids? Never let your high-profile domains expire.
Source: www.theverge.com
Code Like a Girl
Great stuff from BuzzFeed
Source: youtube.com
Google, Microsoft, Mozilla And Others Team Up To Launch WebAssembly, A New Binary Format For The Web | TechCrunch
All-around win for the web.
Source: techcrunch.com
Apple News And The Open Web
The proprietary nature of Apple News is a bit troublesome, but the fact they are using JSON and RSS to drive content to this platform sure helps us easily add our content to it.
Source: bitsplitting.org
Apple News to Have Human Editors, Curation
So how much of this is automated then? If they have a ton of RSS feeds getting piped in, how do they keep up on that?
Source: 9to5mac.com
WebKit Blog on Safari Content Blocking Extensions
Interesting stance from Apple on ad-blocking.
Source: www.webkit.org
Dropbox now lets you request files from anyone, even if they don’t use Dropbox
Awesome feature for those less-savvy clients you need to get files from.
Source: www.theverge.com
The creation of the modern laptop
“It contains so many advanced components that there isn’t a single person on the planet who knows how to make the entire thing from scratch.”
Source: arstechnica.com
The state of Web Components
It’s still a thing
Source: hacks.mozilla.org
Open Sourcing Is No Longer Optional, Not Even for Apple
Apple open-sourced Swift so we would use it more and we’ll only use it if we can use it whereever and however we want. Let’s jsut hope Apple doesn’t pull a “Android-Style” open-source style (aka won’t take anyone’s code).
Source: www.wired.com
Apple Is Going to Kill the Home Screen
“You’re not just talking about the end of the home screen—you’re talking about the end of apps themselves.” Wait, now is death of apps not the web? ::sigh::
Source: www.wired.com
Why Web Design is Dead | UX Magazine
Source: uxmag.com
Customizer Code Examples on GitHub
This is great for WordPress Customizer adoption! Death to Theme Options. 🙂
Source: make.wordpress.org
iOS 9 beta has a secret keyboard that’s perfect for a larger iPad | The Verge
Get ready for the iPad Pro. It looks like it’s going to happen.
Source: www.theverge.com
Paul Ford: What is Code? | Bloomberg
A very elementary explanation of what code is. This is worth reading.
Source: www.bloomberg.com