Busy week for me so not so many links. But still some goodies!
Video: Sass Colour Palettes
Love this idea! Color palettes are very mathmatical, so let’s let the machines do it for us.
Source: www.sitepoint.com
Browser Progress Bar is an Anti-pattern
…and the comic at the top is pretty funny.
Source: feeds.igvita.com
Alfred 2 Workflow List | Search, Install and Share
A comprehensive list of Alfred Workflows. I wouldn’t mind perusing this list once in awhile.
Source: www.alfredworkflow.com
Do_Things – An Alfred Workflow for Interacting with Things.app
This just blew my mind today. If you use Things.app and Alfred, this is a huge time saver. You can create tasks from emails, or just simply create a task in your inbox right from Alfred.
Source: github.com
Improving Web Security with the Content Security Policy
Anything that helps the security of our sites is a win. And it looks like it degrades gracefully for unsupported browsers.
Source: www.sitepoint.com
Apple put Swift Education on GitHub
Well, if you are going to open-source your programming language, you should probably start using GitHub.
Source: swifteducation.github.io
10 Tips to Secure WordPress
There are some good things near the end of the list here. I specifically like Server Side Hardening because none of us should be editing files in production, right? 🙂
Source: www.sitepoint.com
WP Migrate DB Pro 1.5 & Multisite Tools Addon 1.0 Released
Great to see WP Migrate DB adding Multisite. I’m also excited in the CLI addon you can pass your own params for the migration rather than reference a proflie made in the GUI.
Source: deliciousbrains.com
Responsive design is failing mobile UX
“It’s no longer enough to simply make sure your web content fits on a small screen.”
Source: www.webdesignerdepot.com
Avoiding Temptations that Harm Website Performance
Source: www.sitepoint.com
A Fast, Accurate Way to Test Internet Explorer on iOS, Mac OS X, and Android
I know this is a sponsored post from Microsoft, but this is a great way to test IE on pretty much any device.
Source: code.tutsplus.com
How Mobilegeddon Affected Big Brand UX
Mobilegeddon = Google putting weight on “mobile-optimized”.
Source: uxmag.com
Understanding npm
Cool little story talking about how NPM actually works.
Source: unpm.nodesource.com