Missed last week so we have lots of links this week. Including the drama with Peace App and Content Blockers.
An Introduction to tvOS Development
Interesting to see how this new OS works.
Source: code.tutsplus.com
All about the WordPress REST API and its current state — Draft podcast
With talk of headless CMS’s, I’m excited to listen to this podcast.
Source: poststatus.com
Why Performance Matters: The Perception Of Time
With Ad Blockers getting the press again, performance is also getting some attention.
Source: www.smashingmagazine.com
Advanced WordPress Management With WP-CLI
I’ve used WP-CLI for awhile. It’s especially great for updating WordPress.
Source: www.smashingmagazine.com
Mark Llobrera · Professional Amateurs: The Nearly-Headless CMS
I’m liking this idea of a headless cms.
Source: alistapart.com
Demystifying RegEx with Practical Examples
RegEx’s are the worst to learn!
Source: www.sitepoint.com
7 Fantastic Plugins to Level-up Your Sketch App Powers
For you Sketch users out there.
Source: www.sitepoint.com
Privacy is UX
Source: alistapart.com
Customising Cross-Browser Range Inputs with CSS and JavaScript
If you’ve ever tried range inputs, they are kind of a pain. Browser compatibility is sketchy.
Source: css-tricks.com
Mobile Navigation For Smashing Magazine: A Case Study
Mobile navs are hard. Try to keep vertical screen real estate while packing in all your nav’s links.
Source: www.smashingmagazine.com
Content Blocking Primer
#nailedit “Remember, this isn’t just about ads. Ads are emblematic of the root problem, but they’re not the actual root problem. If ads were the sole concern of content blockers, then the blockers (mostly) wouldn’t bother to block web fonts. It’s possible to use web fonts smartly and efficiently, but most sites don’t, so web fonts are a major culprit in slow mobile load times. The same is true for Javascript, whether it’s served by an ad network, an analytics engine, or some other source. So they’re both targeted by blockers—not for enabling ads, but for disabling the web.”
Source: meyerweb.com
Discussion Around Ad Blocking
Chris has lots of great things to say on this issue. One great takeaway: “For instance, Ghostery offers to block Typekit for you. How does your site look with custom fonts blocked?”
Source: css-tricks.com
WordPress Hybrid Client: WordPress Powered iOS/Android Apps
Whoa! That’s an idea. I could see this being a solution for certain projects.
Source: www.sitepoint.com
The Full Stack Overflow Developer
I think we’ve all been guilty of this at some point.
Source: www.sitepoint.com
Learn from Great Design: Twelve South
TwelveSouth makes really well-designed products. Their website isn’t any different.
Source: inspectelement.com
Peace: Block ads and trackers on iOS 9
What struck me about this content blocker: “If web fonts load too slowly, you can disable them for even faster browsing.”
Source: peace.land
iOS 9 in review: iPad productivity
Spit View in iOS 9 is yet another reason why responsive wins. Here is a real use case for resizing windows. Maybe $(window.resize()) might be something to consider now if you are changing the DOM based on screen width.
Source: sixcolors.com
Popping the Publishing Bubble
Publishing is going to change over the coming years (months even).
Source: stratechery.com
New York City plans to make computer science mandatory in all public schools
I’ve always loved the idea of exposing kids to computers and how they really work. We’ll have to wait and see if this spreads to other school districts.
Source: www.theverge.com
Saving Bandwidth by Using Images the Smart Way
A great refresher on “Save for Web”.
Source: www.sitepoint.com
Styling & Customizing File Inputs the Smart Way
Native file inputs are pretty ugly.
Source: tympanus.net
Is the web platform getting too big?
“I don’t. It’s impossible to keep up with everything new that’s coming out. Your goal should be only to be aware of things at a high-level until you need them. Skim over headlines or links shared by people on Twitter so you’re aware of what’s going on, but don’t waste time trying to master everything. Wait until you need it.” This is my approach too.
Source: www.nczonline.net
Give Grunt the Boot! A Guide to Using npm as a Build Tool
Interesting approach.
Source: www.sitepoint.com
Innovation in Mobile Browsers, and the iPhone
“iPhones are great, I just think Apple’s browser policy is awful and they don’t prioritise the web.” I’m not sure that’s entirely true. I think they prioritize Safari performance and a major side affect of that is not quickly adopting cutting edge web technologies. His point still stands though: you are missing out on innovation if you are on iOS.
Source: www.broken-links.com
Ad-Blocking on Apple iOS9: Valuing the End User Experience
This is a topic that interests me greatly. It’s going to force us to prioritize performance, especially with ads.
Source: blog.catchpoint.com
Chrome can now send you Facebook push notifications on Android
Web-based notifications in the wild.
Source: www.theverge.com