Welcome to all of the readers from Tvenge Design!
There was lots of news around WWDC this week. Look for a post from me early next week on WWDC and what it means for Web Designers and Developers.
Navigation Timing Is Back in Safari, but Will It Stay?
I have to be honest, I didn’t know this existed. Now that I do, Apple this better happen!
Source: blog.catchpoint.com
Introducing Pure.css – A nnghtweight Responsive Framework
Looks better than Bootstrap, that’s for sure!
Source: www.sitepoint.com
A Simple Gulp’y Workflow For Sass
This could be a nice boilerplate for scss/gulp.
Source: www.sitepoint.com
The Future Generation of CSS Selectors: Level 4
Let’s see what the future has in store for us in CSS.
Source: www.sitepoint.com
WWDC 2015 Aftermath
For the Apple device users out there…
Source: code.tutsplus.com
Safari 9: Everything web designers need to know now
Yes, this is everything.
Source: www.webdesignerdepot.com
My website is 20 years old today.
Now that’s a milestome. Congrats, Jeffrey! The open web is forever indebted to you.
Source: www.zeldman.com
Velocity—The Performance and Usability of Font Loading
Font loading is always a pain in the a**. Here are some great ways to speed things up.
Source: www.zachleat.com
The FCC’s net neutrality rules are now in effect
Internet FTW!
Source: www.theverge.com
Mirror Images Part I — Eli Schiff
Kinda funny stuff on how companies copy eachother.
Source: www.elischiff.com
Performance Tools
Performance, performance, performance! (insert gif of Balmer)
Source: css-tricks.com
addyosmani/psi · GitHub
Awesome! A command line tool for Google PageSpeed Insights.
Source: github.com/addyosmani
Help users checkout faster with Autofill
I would probably hold off on this until other browser vendors but it seems like a great way to normalize IDing inputs.
Source: html5rocks.com
Safari 9.0 Web Inspector Redesign
Apple redesigned the Web Inspector. Let’s hope its better than the old one. I’ve always used Blink’s Dev Tools but maybe this could be better?
Source: developer.apple.com